Wednesday, May 20, 2020

There Is A Seemingly Infinite Number Of Musical Genres

There is a seemingly infinite number of musical genres from all over the world and I can find appreciation in almost all of them. Some genres are easier to like than others but music is music and it is an art form. However, there is one genre that I have a hard time enjoying. Hip-Hop/Rap is probably the only genre that I do not enjoy listening to. This is especially troubling to me because I hear it almost everywhere I go. I am a wrestler for the University and Hip-Hop/Rap is always playing during our workouts, locker room, and on trips. There are three main features of Hip-Hop that I do not like: First, an abundant amount of inappropriate language. Second, all types of music put me in a certain mood whether I notice it or not. For†¦show more content†¦When asked, the junior replied that he liked the song because â€Å"it has a steady flow, catchy beat, and it’s the song I listen to when I am putting work.† He helped me break the song down and told me how to p erceive the music. Together we listened to the song on repeat for about a half an hour. He absolutely loves the song but I could not find anything nice to say about the song. After his triumphant efforts of trying to sway my mind to see the song in new light, his last piece of advice was to listen to listen to the song at different times of the day and see if it has any positive effects. So, I did just that and listened to â€Å"Water† first thing in the morning before and my morning workout, before and during my study sessions, and late at night unwinding before going to sleep. After the day, the only new insight that I gained is that the song did not have any influence to my day, positive or negative. Committed to find out why fans listen to this music genre, even though the content may be completely unrelated to their lifestyle, I had to resort to my last resource: the internet. I googled Hip-Hop genre and searched for anything that could help me gain a new perspective. 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