Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Steroids in Professional Sports - 976 Words

Steroids in Professional Sports Sports is one of the most popular forms of entertainment we have today. Whether it’s football, basketball, soccer, baseball, etc., fans are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money in order to watch sports. There are few issues in the world of sports. But there is one issue that stands out, steroids. Although steroids may increase strength, stamina and athleticism, they are incredibly harmful to your body and should never be used. Still, some athletes persist in taking them, knowing that these substances provide a physical advantage. Although this is true, steroids can cause serious physical and psychological side effects. Steroids are simply a derivative of the naturally occurring male anabolic hormone†¦show more content†¦A rookie in the MLB makes 400,000 dollars a year (Goldin). Theses incredible amounts of money are what drive athletes to make it professionally in their sport, and although steroids have many risks, athletes are wi lling to test their luck for a big pay day. The main concern with steroids are the side affects after use. Steroids aren‘t just a â€Å"one and doneâ€Å" type of medication. They have to be used consistently for periods of time in order for an athlete to see results. There can be a whole world of side effects,â€Å" says Dr. Wadler (â€Å"Anabolicâ€Å"). Some are visible to the naked eye and some are internal. Some are physical, others are psychological. With unsupervised steroid use, the effects can be irreversible or undetected until its too late (â€Å"Anabolic†). Steroids are incredibly harmful to the body. The most frightening part is that some of the damage can’t even be detected until it’s too late. In addition to his previous comments, Dr. Wadler also stresses that unlike almost all other drugs, all steroid based hormones have one unique characteristic -- their dangers may not be manifest for months, years and even decades. Therefore, long a fter you gave them up you may develop side effects (â€Å"Anabolic†). There are different side affects that occur depending on the gender of the consumer. Some of the side effects in men include reduced sperm count, impotence, development of breasts, shrinking of the testicles and difficulty or pain while urinating (DeNoon). Some of theShow MoreRelatedThe Use of Steroids in Professional Sports Essay1499 Words   |  6 PagesThe Use of Steroids in Professional Sports They’re among the world’s most controversial drugs. Not Heroin, Ganja, Coke or Crystal Meth, but Anabolic Steroids. Steroids are medical treatments that come in two varieties: Anabolic Steroids and Corticosteroids. 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