Monday, November 4, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business plan - Essay Example It aims at providing management education which is at par with international standards. Over the last couple of demands for business management schools has gained a lot of momentum. GSBM will begin its operations locally in UK and will later on expand to Australian and Indian markets. The school will host its first local branch in London as this will be a London based business school. Thus, the first batch of its students will come from UK. The MBA market within UK is very competitive and is only expected to grown in the next couple of years. Macro-economic conditions within UK are extremely supportive and conducive to the growth of a new business school. Government policies and factors also favor the growth of MBA markets. Brief overview of the School and Program Design: Management skills are very critical for personal and professional development of people. They enhance the life style of people and improves their living standards. People who have managerial skills come across as ch arismatic; they are well managed and are able to attain their goals rather quickly. Thus management education helps students in providing them a strong platform for their career growth and success. The business requirements of the modern world want people who are sound on their management skills as it is important for organizational growth. The program design of GSBM will be built to develop management skills and core competencies of its students. The focus will be to produce students who can adapt themselves to the changing paradigm of the world and use their skills efficiency. The main objective of GSBM would be to provide management skills to its future leaders in the business world. The school will be based in London and will have operations spaced out in divisional units and campus. The school will expand from London to Australia and India. The school will aspire to offer quality educations to its student in management. The student will be given the opportunity to pick either o ne of the following as their majors: Finance Marketing Human Resource Management Each major choice will have its own set of electives and each student will be allowed to opt for his choice of electives. Other than the electives there will be some core management and social science related subjects which will be mandatory for every enrolled student to undertake. The primary aim of the program offered at GSBM is to equip students with the technical knowledge related to business strategy and environment ; to ensure they are well versed and aware of business activities and to equip them with sound management related knowledge. Generic Strategy: The primary objective of the school is to provide quality education to it’s students. It will not be opened with a profit-making perspective. It’s main aim is to produce well equipped management students who are able to stand out in the job market in the corporate world. For this purpose, a generic strategy will be followed. Michael Porter was of the view that a business should make a choice between two fundamental decisions when deciding it’s competitive advantage. The choice should be either to: 1. Compete on the basis of price OR 2. To compete on the basis of a differentiating point in the business. These two choices were further explained in the form of four generic competitive strategies which he argued were the main range of choices available for a successful business. They are: 1. Cost

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